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Error parsing rrule, dtstart is malformed

I am dealing with reoccurrences and using the google-rfc-2445 library

I have tried many different things at this point and it seems as though my DateTime variable is malformed and I am not sure what is happening.

The output looks like this 2015-05-05T17:11:11.000-05:00 In the database it looks like this 2015-05-05 22:11:11.0

The error I am getting looks like this

java.text.ParseException: cannot parse [[DTSTART=20150505T221111Z]] in [RRULE, recur]

I have tried formatting the output with no luck.

Date d = new Date();
SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ");

    d = df.parse(event.getDtStart().toString());
    DateIterator date = DateIteratorFactory.createDateIterator("RRULE:" + event.getrRule(), d, TimeZone.getTimeZone(event.getTimeZone()), true);
} catch (ParseException e) {

I think the problem is my DTStart is malformed but honestly at this point I have no idea. It's formatting is odd.



  • I figured out the issue and its pretty silly. So I am using this library for building the rrule on the front end with .js

    The rrule that is being output looks like this. 'FREQ=MONTHLY;DTSTART=20000201T060000Z;INTERVAL=454;WKST=SU;BYHOUR=10;BYMINUTE=47;BYSECOND=5;BYDAY=TH'

    You CAN'T have dtstart inside the rrule. So I removed and built it with this.

    String rrule = event.getrRule().replaceAll("(DTSTART.*?;)","");
    DateTimeIterator date2 = DateTimeIteratorFactory.createDateTimeIterator("RRULE:" + rrule, event.getDtStart(),DateTimeZone.forTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone(event.getTimeZone())), true);

    and it works like a charm.

    Hope this helps someone else!