This is my code:
var myPlaylist = new jPlayerPlaylist({
jPlayer: "#jquery_jplayer_1",
cssSelectorAncestor: "#jp_container_1"
}, [
title:"Right Now(Na Na Na)",
mp3: " - Right Now(Na Na Na).mp3"
//oga: "/music/",
//poster: "images/m0.jpg"
], {
playlistOptions: {
enableRemoveControls: true,
autoPlay: false
swfPath: "/res/plugin/jPlayer/dist/jplayer",
supplied: "mp3",
smoothPlayBar: true,
useStateClassSkin: true,
keyEnabled: true,
audioFullScreen: false,
jPlayerPlaylist add-on doesn't seem to provide a way to handle song removal event.
The workaround is to handle click events on x
yourself, for example:
$('.jp-playlist').on('click', '.jp-playlist-item-remove', function(){
// Determine song index if necessary
var index = $(this).parents('li').index('.jp-playlist li');
// Retrieve song information, if necessary
var song = myPlaylist.playlist[index];