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How to Identify a Form if `name` Attribute is invalid?

I have the following line of HTML code to identify a form for JScript purposes:

<form action="/form-to-email.php" method="post" name="helprequest" onsubmit="return validateHelpForm()">

However when I go to validate the web page (via W3C for XHTML Strict), I get the following error message:

there is no attribute "name"

If I have the below JScript code, how can I identify my form. Should I ignore the W3C validation? (This is the only thing not making it W3C valid and works otherwise)

// Text Field Validation
x1 = document.forms["helprequest"]["Name"];
x2 = document.forms["helprequest"]["Mailing_Address"];
x3 = document.forms["helprequest"]["Address_line2"];
x4 = document.forms["helprequest"]["City"];
x5 = document.forms["helprequest"]["State"];
x6 = document.forms["helprequest"]["ZipCode"];
x7 = document.forms["helprequest"]["Country"];
x8 = document.forms["helprequest"]["FromAddress"];
x9 = document.forms["helprequest"]["ProblemDescription"];
x12 = document.forms["helprequest"]["PhoneNumber"];


  • Use an id attribute. Just make sure that their value remains unique on a page.

    If you wish to identify a set of elements, use the class attribute.

    Both attributes are universal (= may be used on every element).

    The Javascript needs an adjustment, though:

    function getElementByXpath(path) {
        return document.evaluate(
                   , document
                   , null
                   , XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE
                   , null
    x1 = getElementByXpath("/html/body//form[@id='helprequest']//*[@name='Name']");
    // ... etc.

    This method can be applied to xml documents only ( I assume that is not a problem in your case, since you tagged the question with xhtml; more details here ).

    Alternatively you go about like this:

    var e_form   = document.getElementById("helprequest");
    var a_inputs = e_form.getElementsByTagName("input");
    for (var i=0; i <= a_inputs.length; i++) {
        switch ( a_inputs[i].getAttribute("name") ) {
            case "Name": x1 = a_inputs[i]; break;
            case "City": x4 = a_inputs[i]; break;
            // ...

    Finally, if you decide to use a framework like jquery, you may also write code like this:

    x1 = $("#helprequest input[name='Name']")[0]; // element; without '[0]': jquery object

    or collect the values directly:

    var v1 = $("#helprequest input[name='Name']").val();