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How to set environment variables in Ubuntu OS using Puppet

I have been learning Puppet since two weeks and would like to automate few of our routine tasks. As a part of web application setup, first of all we have to set environment variables for JAVA, ANT etc. in the /homeuser/.bashrc file.

I have written the following manifests for it to set path and home variables and take it effect with out a reboot :

class bashrc {

file { "bashrc file":
    path => "/root/.bashrc",
    source  => "/mnt/bashrc",
    owner   => "root",
    group   => "root",
    mode    => "0644",

exec { "root_bashrc":
    command     => "source  /root/.bashrc'",
    cwd => "/root",
    provider => 'shell',


the below is the out put of puppet run :

 root@liferay:/mnt# sudo puppet apply bash.pp
Notice: Compiled catalog for liferay in environment production in 0.03 seconds
Notice: Finished catalog run in 14.74 seconds

The .bashrc file is not getting updated after Puppet run. Please help us how to set environment variables and should get reflected with out reboot using Puppet.


  • You have only defined bashrc class. To execute code of the class you must instance it. The recommended way to do that is to add:

    include bashrc

    to some manifest. More about class instantiation here.

    To modify content of bashrc file you use augeas resource. Here you have guide how to use it.