I want to transforme all "*" into ".*" excepte "\*"
String regex01 = "\\*toto".replaceAll("[^\\\\]\\*", ".*");
assertTrue("*toto".matches(regex01));// True
String regex02 = "toto*".replaceAll("[^\\\\]\\*", ".*");
assertTrue("tototo".matches(regex02));// True
String regex03 = "*toto".replaceAll("[^\\\\]\\*", ".*");
assertTrue("tototo".matches(regex03));// Error
If the "*" is the first character a error occure : java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException: Dangling meta character '*' near index 0
What is the correct regex ?
You need to use negative lookbehind here:
String regex01 = input.replaceFirst("(?<!\\\\)\\*", ".*");
is a negative lookbehind that means match *
if it is not preceded by a backslash.
regex01 = "\\*toto".replaceAll("(?<!\\\\)\\*", ".*");
//=> \*toto
regex01 = "*toto".replaceAll("(?<!\\\\)\\*", ".*");
//=> .*toto