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C# Convert a int method into a string method

I'm working with Fusionchart and I need to label the axes. It's working with int but I need a string for the axes

 public int GetyAxisName(int chartId)
    Chart_AttributeModel chart_AttributeModel = new Chart_AttributeModel();
    List<Chart_Attribute> attributes = chart_AttributeModel.GetChart_AttributeByChart(chartId);

    AttributeModel attributeModel = new AttributeModel();

    int yAxisName = new int();
    foreach (Chart_Attribute ca in attributes)
        Attribute a = attributeModel.GetAttribute(ca.AID);
        if (a.Name == "yAxisName")
            yAxisName = Convert.ToInt32(ca.Value);

    return yAxisName;

But if I want to change it to string it doesn't work. What's wrong with the code?

 public string GetyAxisName(int chartId)
    Chart_AttributeModel chart_AttributeModel = new Chart_AttributeModel();
    List<Chart_Attribute> attributes = chart_AttributeModel.GetChart_AttributeByChart(chartId);

    AttributeModel attributeModel = new AttributeModel();

    string yAxisName = new string();
    foreach (Chart_Attribute ca in attributes)
        Attribute a = attributeModel.GetAttribute(ca.AID);
        if (a.Name == "yAxisName")
            yAxisName = Convert.ToString(ca.Value);

    return yAxisName;



  • The only visible error is string yAxisName1 = new string();

    String does not contain constructor with 0 arguments. so make it string yAxisName1 = "";