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Move row up or down in bootstraptable

I'm using Bootstrap-Table in a project and I'd like to move rows up or down.

I have these action events :

window.actionEvents = {
'click .up': function (e, value, row, index) {
var thisrow = $(this).parents("tr:first"),
thisrow.prev().data('index', rowindex);
'click .down': function (e, value, row, index) {
var thisrow = $(this).parents("tr:first");

It moves rows on screen but it doesn't work really well as row index haven't changed...

So I tried to change the row .data('index') but it doesn't work...

Has someone succeeded in moving row ?


  • Here is something :

    Fiddle :

    Js :

    window.actionEvents = {
        'click .up': function (e, value, row, index) {
            var source = JSON.stringify($('#table').bootstrapTable('getData')[index]);
            var target = JSON.stringify($('#table').bootstrapTable('getData')[index - 1]);
            $('#table').bootstrapTable('updateRow', {'index':index - 1, 'row': JSON.parse(source)});
            $('#table').bootstrapTable('updateRow', {'index':index, 'row': JSON.parse(target)});
        'click .down': function (e, value, row, index) {
            var source = JSON.stringify($('#table').bootstrapTable('getData')[index]);
            var target = JSON.stringify($('#table').bootstrapTable('getData')[index + 1]);
            $('#table').bootstrapTable('updateRow', {'index':index + 1, 'row': JSON.parse(source)});
            $('#table').bootstrapTable('updateRow', {'index':index, 'row': JSON.parse(target)});