I was recently on an interview for a position where C/C++ is the primary language and during one question I was told that it's possible to use the vtable to determine which class in a hierarchy a base pointer actually stores.
So if, for example you have
class A
A() {}
virtual ~A() {}
virtual void method1() {}
class B : public A
B() {}
virtual ~B() {}
virtual void method1() {}
and you instantiate A * pFoo = new B()
, is it indeed possible to use the vtable to determine whether pFoo contains a pointer to an instance of A or B?
This is obviously implementation dependent but, on most implementations, the in-memory representation of an object of class A
or B
will start with a pointer to the vtable. You can look at this vtable pointer, compare it to vtable pointers for objects that you know to be of class A
or B
, and determine the class of the object in that way.
To illustrate (of course this is anything but good style):
A *pFoo=new B(); // pointer to object of unknown class (either A or B)
A a; // Object known to be of class A
B b; // Object known to be of class B
void *vptrA=*((void **)&a); // Pointer to vtable of class A
void *vptrB=*((void **)&b); // Pointer to vtable of class B
void *vptrFoo=*((void **)pFoo); // Pointer to vtable of unknown object
printf("Class A\n");
printf("Class B\n");
Important: This is only an illustration of how most implementations work; besides being implementation dependent, this technique breaks down in the presence of multiple inheritance. You should never do anything like this in production code; use RTTI instead.