I have recently made my website responsive, it is a joomla site, and on the mobile version anywhere that I have a form, when you type in the text you can barely see it because of the color. I have been playing around in the css trying to add color to it but to no avail. Could you please help me crack this thing, it is driving me nuts and several people that have tried using the form have complained about it. The website is www.destinychurchjacksonville.com and the online giving is an example of where it does this. Thank you a bunch!
On line 368 of black.css there is a css rule for input[type="text"]
that sets the color: #ccc;
a light grey. If you can edit the file black.css and change the color property value to #000 (black) as so: color: #000;
On the non-mobile site the input field inherits the color property from the body element and is thus black.
Let me know if you need more details on the above.