I need to display a list of connected headsets (combined microphone and earphone) in a softphone application. For testing I have the following devices:
The user should be able to select a headset from a ComboBox
, without selecting the microphone and earphone separately.
The information
I know where to find the information (in Windows) about the microphone and earphone, but I have not been able to get it using WMI
or MMDevice API
To find the information, right click on Sound
(Speaker icon) in the right side of the taskbar and select Playback devices
button on the properties window.Details
tab and find the Children
property in the ComboBox
.This will give me the following information:
The first line matches my Headset Earphone (Jabra PRO 9470)
and the second Headset Microphone (Jabra PRO 9470)
To get the same information in C#, I'm loop through the Win32_USBControllerDevice class and outputting all values containing "MMDEVAPI". On my PC it will return 6 values (3 x microphones, 3 x earphones).
foreach (var device in new ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT * FROM Win32_USBControllerDevice").Get())
foreach (var property in device.Properties)
// Gets the value of the property on the device.
var value = property.Value == null ? string.Empty : property.Value.ToString();
if (value.IndexOf("mmdevapi", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1)
// Output connected USB microphones and earphones.
For reference, the above code will output:
The problem
My big problem now is, how do I associate the correct headsets microphone and earphone into a Headset
The attempts
I have tried searching Google and StackOverflow for an answer or hints, but I cannot find any common ground or relationship between the microphone and earphone using WMI
or MMDevice API
If there is a way to create a Dictionary<string, List<string>>
where the Key
is something unique to the physical device or USB port, and the Value
is a list of associated Win32_PnPEntity.DeviceID
, then I cannot find it.
In the spirit of Star Wars Day in a few days: "Help me, StackOverflow. You are my only hope."
It looks like I have found the answer myself, with the help of NAudio and Windows Registry. The code in the question is still correct, but NAudio makes it a bit easier.
I found the key to my problem inside Windows Registry under:
Every device has a property called {b3f8fa53-0004-438e-9003-51a46e139bfc},2
with a value similar to this {1}.USB\VID_047F&PID_0416&MI_00\7&21995D75&0&0000
This looks to be a unique hardware ID, and is shared by the headset microphone and earphone (the same as the Children
property from the question).
The solution
An interface with a single method to locate and return a list of headsets.
public interface IHeadsetLocator
/// <summary>
/// Locate all connected audio devices based on the given state.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="deviceState"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
IReadOnlyCollection<Headset> LocateConnectedAudioDevices(DeviceState deviceState = DeviceState.Active);
And the complete implementation. The real magic happens with the help of the GetHardwareToken
public class HeadsetLocator : IHeadsetLocator
/// <summary>
/// Locate all connected audio devices based on the given state.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="deviceState"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public IReadOnlyCollection<Headset> LocateConnectedAudioDevices(DeviceState deviceState = DeviceState.Active)
var enumerator = new MMDeviceEnumerator();
var relatedAudioDevices = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, List<MMDevice>>();
var headsets = new List<Headset>();
// Locate all connected audio devices.
foreach (var device in enumerator.EnumerateAudioEndPoints(DataFlow.All, deviceState))
// Gets the DataFlow and DeviceID from the connected audio device.
var index = device.ID.LastIndexOf('.');
var dataFlow = device.ID.Substring(0, index).Contains("0.0.0") ? DataFlow.Render : DataFlow.Capture;
var deviceId = device.ID.Substring(index + 1);
// Gets the unique hardware token.
var hardwareToken = GetHardwareToken(dataFlow, deviceId);
var audioDevice = relatedAudioDevices.GetOrAdd(hardwareToken, o => new List<MMDevice>());
// Combines the related devices into a headset object.
foreach (var devicePair in relatedAudioDevices)
var capture = devicePair.Value.FirstOrDefault(o => o.ID.Contains("0.0.1"));
var render = devicePair.Value.FirstOrDefault(o => o.ID.Contains("0.0.0"));
if (capture != null && render != null)
headsets.Add(new Headset("Headset", render.DeviceFriendlyName, capture, render));
return new ReadOnlyCollection<Headset>(headsets);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the token of the USB device.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dataFlow"></param>
/// <param name="audioDeviceId"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public string GetHardwareToken(DataFlow dataFlow, string audioDeviceId)
using (var registryKey = RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, RegistryView.Registry64))
var captureKey = registryKey.OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\MMDevices\Audio\" + dataFlow + @"\" + audioDeviceId + @"\Properties");
if (captureKey != null)
return captureKey.GetValue("{b3f8fa53-0004-438e-9003-51a46e139bfc},2") as string;
return null;
I hope this will help others in a similar situation.
Happy coding.