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Topcount with total of all members

I'm creating a query which shows all continents, their countries and the top 5 users in these countries (1 dimension) with their orders (measure). Now I want to show to total of all users in these countries instead of only those in the top 5.

I followed the answer in the following thread But the syntax doesn't seem right for Mondrian.

Here's my query:

WITH MEMBER [Measures].[Total] AS 
'SUM([USER].[Country].currentmember, (USER].[UserName].Members, [Measures].[Orders]))'
SELECT NON EMPTY {[Measures].[Orders], [Measures].[Total]} ON COLUMNS, 
NON EMPTY {Order(Hierarchize({[USER].[Continent].Members, Generate([USER].[Country].Members, TopCount(Hierarchize({[USER].[Country].currentmember, [USER].[UserName].Members}), 6.0, [Measures].[Orders]))}), [Measures].[Orders], DESC)} ON ROWS 
FROM [Products] 
WHERE [Time].[Time].[2014]

Mondrian gives the following error for this part 'SUM([USER].[Country].currentmember, (USER].[UserName].Members, [Measures].[Orders]))':

Caused by: mondrian.olap.MondrianException: Mondrian Error:No function matches signature '(<Set>, <Member>)'
    at mondrian.resource.MondrianResource$_Def0.ex(
    at mondrian.olap.ValidatorImpl.getDef(
    at mondrian.mdx.UnresolvedFunCall.accept(
    at mondrian.olap.ValidatorImpl.validate(
    at mondrian.mdx.UnresolvedFunCall.accept(
    at mondrian.olap.ValidatorImpl.validate(
    at mondrian.olap.Formula.accept(
    at mondrian.olap.ValidatorImpl.validate(
    at mondrian.olap.Query.resolve(
    at mondrian.olap.Query.resolve(
    at mondrian.olap.Query.<init>(
    at mondrian.olap.Query.<init>(
    at mondrian.olap.Parser$FactoryImpl.makeQuery(
    at mondrian.parser.MdxParserImpl.selectStatement(
    at mondrian.parser.MdxParserImpl.statement(
    at mondrian.parser.MdxParserImpl.statementEof(
    at mondrian.parser.JavaccParserValidatorImpl.parseInternal(
    at mondrian.olap.ConnectionBase.parseStatement(
    ... 72 more

Thanks for your help.


  • This is a standard error.

    This is invalid:


    To be more specific this bit is invalid


    The braces () create a tuple and a tuple is created like so:

      (<member_expression>, <member_expression>, <member_expression>, ...)

    None of the arguments are allowed to be set expressions.

    I'm assuming you want the Total across all the UserNames - so just use the All member of that hierarchy in the tuple:

        USER.[UserName].[All User Names] //<<<<replace this with whatever the correct name is of your all member