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Liquibase logging level in Spring Boot

I'm using Spring Boot and liquibase for database migrations and refactorings.

I'm having some exceptions (mostly database exception) in my changesets every now and then, but liquibase shares too little information in the default log level. For example it doesn't tell me the exact SQL statement it executed or the name of the CSV file it was processing when it failed.

Do you know any way to configure liquibase's logLevel to DEBUG either through Spring Boot's or any other non-painful way?

I tried the logging.level.* setting in various combinations but it didn't work.


  • It's a limitation of Spring Boot's code that adapts Liquibase's own logging framework to use Commons Logging. I've opened an issue so that we can improve the adapter.

    Now that the issue has been fixed, you can use logging.level.liquibase to control the level of Liquibase logging that will be output.