I am new to both javascript and Swift. I am writing an IOS app, that uses JavaScriptCore to invoke a javascript function that returns an Object. How can I then use JavaScriptCore to invoke a method of the returned object.
for example (I'm not actually working with rectangles), the JavaScript might be as follows:
function Rectangle(l,w) {
this.l = l
this.w = w
function area() {
return l * w
function getRectangle(l,w) {
return new Rectangle(l,w)
And then, followng a call to jsContext.evaluateScript(jsScriptSource), the Swift calls to get a rectangle object might look like this
var getRectangle = self.jsContext.objectForKeyedSubscript("getRectangle")
var rectangle: JSValue = getRectangle.callWithArguments([11,5])
how can I then invoke the getArea method of the returned rectangle?
It is simple, use invokeMethod
method on returned value:
let result = rectangle.invokeMethod("getArea", withArguments: [])
You also need to fix your javascript for this to work:
function Rectangle(l,w) {
this.l = l
this.w = w
this.getArea = function area() {
return l * w