I am using a Kendo File Upload control to upload multiple files. Only few of the files are getting uploaded (especially first and last) or some random ones. Is there any solution for this ?
Index.cshtml :
<input name="files" id="files" type="file" multiple="multiple" />
JS File :
async: {
saveUrl: "/Controller/GetUserUploadedFiles",
removeUrl: "/Controller/Remove",
autoUpload: false,
allowmultiple: true
select: function (e) {
success: function (e) {
error: function (e) {
//Controller Method
public void GetUserUploadedFiles(IEnumerable<HttpPostedFileBase> files)
//Custom logic here
Also, it would be great if i can get all the files as Enumerable in one controller method call rather than having it called multiple times for multiple files.
Is there anything i am missing or doing wrong ?
Thanks, Srini
This code will upload all the files that were selected in Kendo Upload, and then run code on each.
public void GetUserUploadedFiles()
var result = Task.Factory
.StartNew(() => Request.Content.ReadAsMultipartAsync().Result,
var contents = result.Contents;
HttpContent httpContent = contents.First();
Stream file = httpContent.ReadAsStreamAsync().Result;
if (file.CanRead)
// Code that will be executed on each file
You can get the filename by using:
string filename = httpContent.Headers.ContentDisposition.FileName.Replace("\"", string.Empty);
You can get the uploaded file media type by using:
string uploadedFileMediaType = httpContent.Headers.ContentType.MediaType;