I'm trying to bind a project with Xamarin Studio so I successfully removed the errors and it bind correctly !
BUT some class are not generated in C#. Why ?
I worked with the Metadata.xml to bind correctly the name of the package -> PICTURE
and it allowed me to use this JAR (osmbonuspack) in my project. At compile, I have some warning message like : "class ... matched no nodes. (error code : BG8A04). -> PICTURE
I think it is because of this warning that I can't use these new class in my project ! -> [PICTURE in comment below]
And i know that these class exist (I used JD-Gui to see the class in the JAR) -> [PICTURE in comment below]
So, why Xamarin doesn't bind correctly some class ?
PS : Sorry, I can't post more than 2 links so I post in comment the next screenshot
Looks like I found the problem. Sample project is here (sorry for the mess in folders structure). I had to add gson jar to solve problem with converting KmlDocument methods that use it. Xamarin is "terrific" as always. You may have noticed a huge number of warning during the binding generation. It appears that some of them are real "errors" and some of them tell you that Xamarin wasn't able to generate some classes (KmlDocument for example).