I'm trying to find a way to draw a wire sphere using LWJGL (Light Weight Java Game Library), a derived from openGL. I have seen that using GLUT I could use the function glutWireSphere(double, int, int)
, but what about LWJGL? is there any way to do that similarly? Not all people want to use GLUT. I was looking for that but I haven't found anything yet. Thanks in advance.
Well, as Vincent said, it seems that there's no way to do that as simple as with glut. But we can do that with more code. Spektre contributed a way in his comment. This is a way I found to do that using the sphere's parametric equation:
public void myWireSphere(float r, int nParal, int nMerid){
float x,y,z,i,j;
for (j=0;j<Math.PI; j+=Math.PI/(nParal+1)){
y=(float) (r*Math.cos(j));
for(i=0; i<2*Math.PI; i+=Math.PI/60){
x=(float) (r*Math.cos(i)*Math.sin(j));
z=(float) (r*Math.sin(i)*Math.sin(j));
for(j=0; j<Math.PI; j+=Math.PI/nMerid){
for(i=0; i<2*Math.PI; i+=Math.PI/60){
x=(float) (r*Math.sin(i)*Math.cos(j));
y=(float) (r*Math.cos(i));
z=(float) (r*Math.sin(j)*Math.sin(i));
Well, it's good enough. You can view better this 3D graphic if you add glRotatef(). For example, you can run the code (in the main loop) this way:
float radius=50
myWireSphere(radius, 10, 10);
Hope this will be helpful for those with the same problem.