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Configure max retries for Infinispan Hot Rod Client

I am using a JBoss EAP 6.3 application server in conjunction with a JDG 6.3.1 (with Infinispan 6.1.2), both instances run on the same virtual machine and the connection protocol is Hot Rod.

If for whatever reason the JDG is not reachable I want the Hot Rod Client used in an EJB application on the EAP to catch the HotRodClientException and continue directly with a database call. This works fine but the retry count in the RemoteCacheManager is set to 10 so that it takes a lot of time until I can continue after the connection finally failed after 10 retries.

Looking at the classes involved I was not able to find a way to configure the max retry count for a Hot Rod connection. The only thing I found is using ConfigurationBuilder.withProperties(Properties), but it is mentioned that this is for migrating from an old version of Inifinispan where properties objects where used for configuration. I tried the following code but it also fails in setting the rety count to 1:

Properties jdgProperties = new Properties();
jdgProperties.put("infinispan.client.hotrod.server_list", host + ":" + hotrodPort);
jdgProperties.put("infinispan.client.hotrod.max_retries", "1");
Configuration jdgConfWithProperties = builder.withProperties(jdgProperties).build();

How can I configure the retry count to anything but the default value of 10?


  • This should work:

    Configuration configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder().maxRetries(2).build();
    RemoteCacheManager remoteCacheManager = new RemoteCacheManager(configuration);