Do the rgl routines accept the use of "expression" for Greek letters and super/sub script for axis labelling?
Something like
xlab=(expression(paste("Lyman ",alpha,)))
works perfectly well in a normal plot call but just seems to display "(paste("Lyman ",alpha,)" as my axis label in plot3d and decorate3d. If not, how can I add these characters to my 3D scatterplots generated using plot3d?
On my system (OSX 10.7.5, R 3.1.2) I get an alpha as xlab with:
plot3d(1,1,1,xlab=intToUtf8(0x03B1L) )
And pasting to ordinary text also succeeds:
plot3d(1,1,1, xlab=paste("Lyman ", intToUtf8(0x03B1L) ) )