I need a way (the most portable) in bash, to perform a search of the ~/.netrc
file, for a particular machine api.mydomain.com
and then on the next line, pull the username value.
The format is:
machine a.mydomain.com
username foo
passsword bar
machine api.mydomain.com
username boo
password far
machine b.mydomain.com
username doo
password car
So, it should matchin api.mydomain.com
and return exactly boo
from this example.
awk '/api.mydomain.com/{getline; print}' ~/.netrc
Get's me the line I want, but how do I find the username value?
$ awk '/api.mydomain.com/{getline; print $2}' ~/.netrc
To capture it in a variable:
$ name=$(awk '/api.mydomain.com/{getline; print $2}' ~/.netrc)
$ echo "$name"
By default, awk splits records (lines) into fields based on whitespace. Thus, on the line username boo
, username
is assigned to field 1, denoted $1
, and boo
is assigned to field 2, denoted $2