I currently have a simple instant messaging program which is utilizing Java's Socket and ServerSocket classes. It is functioning as intended but when I attempt to close the connection it is not using the 4 way handshake TCP teardown to close the connection. Instead it is closing the connection abruptly with an RST packet.
The way in which I am closing the connection is sending a string from the client to the server which the server will recognize as the command to close the connection. I then use the ServerSocket.close()
method on the server and the Socket.close()
method on the client.
What is the correct way and/or order of events to properly close a TCP connection utilizing these classes?
Client side disconnect code:
//Disconnects from remote server
//Returns true on success, false on failure
public boolean disconnect(){
this.isConnected = false;
return true;
}catch(Exception e){
return false;
Server side disconnect code:
//Check to see if the client wants to close the connection
//If yes, then close the connection and break out of the while loop
EDIT: The code works perfectly fine. I'm just trying to learn socket programming in Java and know that a proper TCP teardown process is to include a 4 way handshake. A FIN packet to the remote host, then an ACK packet from the remote host back. Then a FIN packet from the remote host, then an ACK packet to the remote host. When monitoring the traffic via Wireshark I am not getting that. Instead I am getting a FIN to the remote server, then a RST/ACK back from the server.
This image depicts a proper TCP 4 way teardown process.
So far everything I've found suggest that all one needs is a call to close() or to just let Java's Try-with-resources statement handle the clean up. I can't see Java implementing functionality which does not comply with the standard TCP specifications though. It is very possible I may be calling certain lines in an incorrect order or something of the sort, I'm just unaware of it.
If you are resetting your own connection on close, either:
In both cases, an application protocol error.