In the code below, I am need to read the following from a data file:
Dean DeFino 88 98 99
Sally Johnson 78 89 82
Bill Benny 75 79 81
Thomas Billows 78 84 89
However, I get this output:
Dean DeFino 88 98 99
hnson 78 89 82-1850860984 32742
0 0 28
0-413051128 48
-1608528832 32767-415228472
0 -49089-1024065536 6406657
-512190696 48 18048
32767 0 0
0-1850766544 32742-520043854
0 48-517861416 48
-1608527569 32767-520043904
0 32767-520041858 48
-1564475392 -49089 0
48-1850766544 32742
-514484708 48 26100
0-1608527632 32767
`-1608528304 32767-310120049
0 48 0 0
-1608527592 32767-1608527584
48-520056170 48
`-1850862392 32742-1608528432
32742 479434334 0
7491161 0 30
a 0-1608528048 32767
H<@0-1024065536 6406657-1398731262
f 673193995 5371330921477443664
DB( 0 0-1850860160
48-515832000 48
0 2027 1-520053849
0 32742-1608527968 32767
-1850860160 32742 479434334
0-1850860160 32742
6 0-1850860928
48 6 0
[-310357908 48 0
48-520056170 48
-310356040 48-1608527984
32742 725871085 0
11341735 0 45
0 0-1608527600 32767
H<@0-310281904 48-1850766920
32767-1850767776 32742
0 0-1850860808
0-515832000 48
@@ 786 1 0
48-1608527520 32767
-1850860808 32742 725871085
0-1850860808 32742
1 32767-517860984
0 1-310305400 48
It appears that only the first line and a half are read correctly. Given the code below, I do not see where the issue is. Any thoughts?
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
const int NAMESIZE = 15;
const int MAXRECORDS = 50;
struct Grades
char name[NAMESIZE + 1];
int test1;
int test2;
int final;
typedef Grades gradeType[MAXRECORDS];
void readIt(ifstream&, gradeType, const int);
int main()
ifstream indata;"graderoll.dat");
gradeType studentRecord;
if (!indata)
cout << "Error opening file. \n";
cout << "It may not exist where indicated" << endl;
return 1;
readIt(indata, studentRecord, MAXRECORDS);
for (int count = 0; count < MAXRECORDS; count++)
cout << studentRecord[count].name << setw(10)
<< studentRecord[count].test1
<< setw(10) << studentRecord[count].test2;
cout << setw(10) << studentRecord[count].final << endl;
return 0;
void readIt(ifstream& inData, gradeType gradeRec, const int max)
int total = 0;
inData.get(gradeRec[total].name, NAMESIZE);
while (inData)
inData >> gradeRec[total].test1;
inData >> gradeRec[total].test2;
inData >> gradeRec[total].final;
total++; // add one to total
if (!inData.eof())
inData.get(gradeRec[total].name, NAMESIZE);
When the while
loop is being read, there is no code that consumes the end of line, so one the program encounters the end of the line, it skips the rest of the file and the loop terminates. The weird output on the screen is a result of outputting an empty array of 49 garbage values (since MAXRECORDS = 50
). Make a variable called numRead
or something similar and set it equal to the number of lines you would like to read. Put that as the end condition in the for
loop. Then in the while
loop, place inData.ignore(NUMSIZE, '\n'); before where you read the name. So:
while (inData)
inData >> gradeRec[total].test1;
inData >> gradeRec[total].test2;
inData >> gradeRec[total].final;
total++; // add one to total
inData.ignore(NUMSIZE, '\n');
inData.get(gradeRec[total].name, NAMESIZE);
inData.ignore(NUMSIZE, '\n'); will effectively tell the program to ignore the next 15 characters or until a newline escape sequence is encountered. This will allow the file to be read properly.