I'm trying to add CD,I as a project facet to a Dynamic web project. But when clicking on the project facets view there is no CDI option in the Project Facet list as you can see:
I tried following this suggestion in where they said to erase possible conflicting jres, and also the suggestions in here which recommends checking the installed jre's, my view of installed jres is:
I'm at linux mint so I'm also attaching a screenshot of the dir /usr/lib/jvm, in case you guys see any anomaly in it and also it seems my java version is okay:
Did you installed JBoss Tools?
Go to Help -> Eclipse Marketplace find JBoss Tools for your version of Eclipse (To check version of eclipse go to Help -> About Eclipse)
Then select plugin you need
And also check Runtime Environments (window -> preferences)
Eclipse should be restarted after installation