Search code examples

Binary tree - find position in inorder traversal

I have a binary search tree where i have to implement a method called

int valueAtPosition(int x) 

The problem is, that i need the position in an in order traversal.

To find the in order traversal i have this the following code, but i don't know how i count the recursive calls, to get the right position.

public void inOrderTraverseTree(Node root){
    if(root != null){


  • You can also use a counter in the recursive approach. However, you can't simply pass an int counter argument - you need all calls to see the "same" counter, so you will have to wrap it in a class (or, as in this case, an inner class):

    public static class Counter {
       private int value;
       public Counter(int initialValue) { value = initialValue; }
       public boolean decrement() { value--; return value == 0; }
       public boolean expired() { return value <= 0; }
    public Node inOrderTraverseTree(Node root, Counter counter){
       if  (root != null && ! counter.expired()) {
           Node left = inOrderTraverseTree(root.leftChild, counter);
           if (left != null) {
                return left;
           } else if (counter.decrement()) {
                return root;
           } else {
                return inOrderTraverseTree(root.rightChild, counter); 
       } else {
           return null;

    To find the 9th node in-order (using 1-based indexing), you would call this as

    Node the9th = inOrderTraverseTree(root, new Counter(9));

    If there is no 9th node, it would return null. If you want to use 0-based indexing instead, change { value--; return value == 0; } to { return value-- == 0; }