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Trouble setting a service variable in AngularJS

This is my first project in AngularJS and it's something I've been wanting to try out for a while now. I'm using the Foundation Apps Framework (which is built on Angular), and I've been having some trouble setting a service variable.

The idea is for the service variable to store the "now playing" tracklist for the app's player (which uses the Videogular plugin), I guess in a similar way to a shopping basket.

I'm having no trouble getting the "now playing" tracklist, but I just can't seem to set the tracklist with test data (using a simple button with ng-click="setTracklist() for testing purposes)

I would be really grateful for any suggestions. If it seems like a pretty straightforward problem I apologise, this is a big learning curve for me.

Service (app.js)

(function() {
  'use strict';

    .service('nowPlaying', function($sce) {

    var tracklist = [{"info": [{"title": "Lies (Tourist Remix)","artist": "CHRVCHES","artwork": "","service": "SoundCloud","url": "","order": "0"}],"sources":[{"src":$sce.trustAsResourceUrl(''),"type":"audio/mpeg"}]},{"info": [{"title": "Midnight (Jon Hopkins Remix)","artist": "Coldplay","artwork": "","service": "Dropbox","url": "","order": "1"}],"sources": [{"src": $sce.trustAsResourceUrl(''),"type": "audio/mpeg"}]},{"info": [{"title": "Lovers in Japan","artist": "Coldplay","artwork": null,"service": "YouTube","url": "","order": "2"}],"sources": [{"src": "","type": "video/mp4"}]},{"info": [{"title": "All We'll Know","artist": "The Hics","artwork": "","service": "SoundCloud","url": "","order": "3"}],"sources": [{"src": $sce.trustAsResourceUrl(''),"type": "audio/mpeg"}]}];

    this.setTracklist = function(){
        tracklist = [{"info": [{"title": "All We'll Know","artist": "The Hics","artwork": "","service": "SoundCloud","url": "","order": "3"}],"sources": [{"src": $sce.trustAsResourceUrl(''),"type": "audio/mpeg"}]}];
        console.log("something else");

        return tracklist;

    this.getTracklist = function() {
        return tracklist;



Controller (app.js)

.controller('indexCtrl', indexCtrl)
indexCtrl.$inject = ['$scope', '$stateParams', '$state', '$controller', '$http', '$sce', '$timeout', 'nowPlaying'];
function indexCtrl($scope, $stateParams, $state, $controller, $http, $sce, $timeout, nowPlaying) {

//Other Videogular code has been edited out...

//Controller videos gets service tracklist
controller.videos = nowPlaying.getTracklist();

controller.config = {
    preload: "auto",
    autoHide: false,
    autoHideTime: 3000,
    autoPlay: true,
    sources: controller.videos[0].sources,
    load: false,
    transclude: true,
    controls: undefined,
    theme: {
        url: ""
    plugins: {
        poster: controller.posters

controller.setVideo = function(index) {
    controller.currentVideo = index;
    controller.config.sources = controller.videos[index].sources;
    $timeout(, 100);


  • Don't use this keyword because function context changes the this value. Do instead something like this:

    var _this = this;
    _this.setTracklist = function(){}

    Also, you can't call a service function from your html page with ng-click, you need to call a function in the controller.

    controller.setTracklist = function() {