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SQLException: Cannot submit statement in current context

I encountered this exception when calling a stored procedure through a prepared statement, however, it works for callable statement. I am wondering if it is a must to use callable statement for invoking a stored procedure in voltdb?

String sql = "{call get_city_by_country(?)}";
PreparedStatement stat = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
stat.setString(1, "china");
ResultSet results = stat.executeQuery();

Throws exception below:

Exception in thread "main" java.sql.SQLException: Cannot submit statement in current context: '{call get_city_by_country(?)};'.
at org.voltdb.jdbc.SQLError.get(
at org.voltdb.jdbc.JDBC4PreparedStatement.executeQuery(

This one works fine.

CallableStatement proc = conn.prepareCall(sql);
proc.setString(1, "china");
ResultSet results = proc.executeQuery();


  • It look like your driver only supports the CALL escape on CallableStatement. So you need to use CallableStatement instead.

    Section 6.4 Java EE JDBC Compliance of the JDBC 4.2 specification however says (empasis mine):

    Drivers must support stored procedures. The DatabaseMetaData method supportsStoredProcedures must return true. The driver must also support the full JDBC API escape syntax for calling stored procedures with the following methods on the Statement, PreparedStatement, and CallableStatement classes:

    • executeUpdate
    • executeQuery
    • execute

    This means that your driver is not fully compliant with the Java EE JDBC Compliance requirements. You might want to consider filing a bug report with the driver vendor.