I'm creating a new widget, by subclassing the QWidget class. I'd like to be able to set a ratio (for its height and its width) for this widget, which will always be maintained.
For this, I've always searched, using the Qt5 documentation, Google, and Stackoverflow. Obviously, I've found answers: in particular, this one. But, unfortunately, not even one is fully effective:
does totally nothing, even if the widget is a windowIf I follow this answer, two things:
So, how could I manage to keep the aspect ratio of a subclassed QWidget?
Create a parent widget (e.g., AspectRatioWidget
) in which to place your widget. For the parent widget, subclass QWidget and give it a QBoxLayout. Put your widget into the center, and QSpacerItems on either side. Then in the parent widget's QWidget::resizeEvent
adjust the direction and stretches as needed. I've provided an example below. To use, just create an instance of AspectRatioWidget
and pass the constructor a pointer to your widget and the desired aspect ratio.
// header
class AspectRatioWidget : public QWidget
AspectRatioWidget(QWidget *widget, float width, float height, QWidget *parent = 0);
void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event);
QBoxLayout *layout;
float arWidth; // aspect ratio width
float arHeight; // aspect ratio height
// cpp
AspectRatioWidget::AspectRatioWidget(QWidget *widget, float width, float height, QWidget *parent) :
QWidget(parent), arWidth(width), arHeight(height)
layout = new QBoxLayout(QBoxLayout::LeftToRight, this);
// add spacer, then your widget, then spacer
layout->addItem(new QSpacerItem(0, 0));
layout->addItem(new QSpacerItem(0, 0));
void AspectRatioWidget::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event)
float thisAspectRatio = (float)event->size().width() / event->size().height();
int widgetStretch, outerStretch;
if (thisAspectRatio > (arWidth/arHeight)) // too wide
widgetStretch = height() * (arWidth/arHeight); // i.e., my width
outerStretch = (width() - widgetStretch) / 2 + 0.5;
else // too tall
widgetStretch = width() * (arHeight/arWidth); // i.e., my height
outerStretch = (height() - widgetStretch) / 2 + 0.5;
layout->setStretch(0, outerStretch);
layout->setStretch(1, widgetStretch);
layout->setStretch(2, outerStretch);