I would like to know whether or not I can do this with a function Idle() which is called several times in an opengl program.Is this OK or will I get a memory leak?
void Idle()
//PXCPointF32 is a struct
PXCPointF32 *uvmap=0;
uvmap=new PXCPointF32[640*480];
//do some processing
//fill uvmap values
if (uvmap)
delete[] uvmap;
The code should work but its not optimal:
void Idle()
//PXCPointF32 is a struct
PXCPointF32 *uvmap=0; // why initialize to 0 only to replace its value?
uvmap=new PXCPointF32[640*480];
//do some processing
//fill uvmap values
if (uvmap) // no need to test for null before deleting
delete[] uvmap;
uvmap=NULL; // no point setting to NULL because its local
Instead you could do:
void Idle()
// set it directly
PXCPointF32* uvmap = new PXCPointF32[640*480];
//do some processing
//fill uvmap values
delete[] uvmap; // don't bother checking for null (delete[] does that)
You might also want to consider a smart pointer to clean up the memory in case of an exception:
void Idle()
// set it directly
std::unique_ptr<PXCPointF32[]> uvmap(new PXCPointF32[640*480]);
//do some processing
//fill uvmap values
// no delete[] here