Please look at this code on
I am trying to get the calculated result from the list of APIS and JSON code that is generated to show the precipIntensity. At the end of the code there is an alert and the code works in firebug but nothing is showing up. What may be the reason why the alert does not pop up?
var listAPIs = "";
$.each(threeDayAPITimes, function(i, time) {
var darkForecastAPI= "" + currentAPIKey + "/" + locations + "," + time +"?callback=?";
$.getJSON(darkForecastAPI, {
tags: "WxAPI[" + i + "]", //Is this tag the name of each JSON page? I tried to index it incase this is how to refer to the JSON formatted code from the APIs.
tagmode: "any",
format: "json"
}, function(result) {
// Process the result object
var eachPrecipSum = 0;
if(result.currently.precipIntensity >=0 && result.currently.precipType == "rain")
$.each(result, function() {
eachPrecipSum += (result.currently.precipIntensity);
totalPrecipSinceDate += eachPrecipSum ; ///Write mean precip
alert(eachPrecipSum );
totalPrecipSinceDate did not declared.