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How to fix clang include path warning in Eclipse CDT for Hello World project (mac OS)

I'm using Eclipse Luna 4.4.1 CDT 8.5.0 in mac OS X Yosemite.

When creating any C++ project (Hello world one for example), even if it compiles and runs correctly, there is always a warning for the include path: (/Applications/

That path doesn't exist.

Why is the include path automatically generated and how can I change the include path to a correct one?

Is that include really needed?


  • The missing path may be the result of applying updates to xcode. The new clang version is 6.1, and the 6.0 path no longer exists.

    I found the fix only by poking around the settings. Hopefully this will work for you:

    Go to workspace settings (cmd ,)

    Then C/C++ --> Build --> Settings and click on the Discovery button.

    Then click on CDT GCC Built-in Compiler Settings to highlight it.

    Click on the Reset button to the right.

    The include paths should be updated.