The red box increases in height from 0 to its full height, but it does it with swing easing. I can't work out how I can make it linear.
I've tried this, and a few other things, but I can't get it to work:
$("#movement").animate({"height": open_height}, {duration: slideDuration }, {easing: linear});
Full script:
var sliderHeight = "0";
var initialDelay = 0;
var slideDuration = 2500;
$('#movement').each(function () {
var current = $(this);
current.attr("box_h", current.height());
$("#movement").css("height", sliderHeight);
var delay = function() { sliderOpen(); };
setTimeout(delay, initialDelay);
function sliderOpen()
var open_height = $("#movement").attr("box_h") + "px";
$("#movement").animate({"height": open_height}, {duration: slideDuration });
JS Fiddle:
You didn't add linear in the demo, and it has to be given as string or it will be considered undefined:
var open_height = $("#movement").attr("box_h") + "px";
$("#movement").animate({"height": open_height},
{duration: slideDuration, easing: "linear" });