I have recently started writting unit tests using Karma + Karma-jasmine but I am having problems with the following tests:
describe("WEBSERVICE:", function () {
var webservice,
webserviceURL = "http://localhost:8006/";
beforeEach(inject(function (Webservice, $injector) {
webservice = Webservice;
$httpBackend = $injector.get("$httpBackend");
authRequestHandler = $httpBackend
.when("GET", webserviceURL + "users/login")
.respond(200, "ok");
afterEach(function() {
it("should EXISTS", function () {
it("should throw a WebserviceError if we are not logged in" , function () {
expect(function () {
webservice.item("negs", "RPT");
it("should NOT HAVE credentials when instantiated", function () {
it("should log in when valid credentials are given", function () {
webservice.withCredentials("sam", "password");
It appears to be the following which creates the problem since all tests pass when I remove it:
afterEach(function() {
I was just wondering if anyone could help me with this. Thanks a lot.
The reason you having problems is with
is due to your last test
it("should log in when valid credentials are given", function () {
webservice.withCredentials("sam", "password");
having unsatisfied requests which you can see in this jsfiddle
Error: Unsatisfied requests: GET users/login
If you comment out
your first three tests pass but the last one is amber as there is no expectations, see this fiddle.
should EXISTS
should throw a WebserviceError if we are not logged in
should NOT HAVE credentials when instantiated
SPEC HAS NO EXPECTATIONS should log in when valid credentials are given
In the AngularJS documentation it says
Verifies that all of the requests defined via the expect api were made. If any of the requests were not made, verifyNoOutstandingExpectation throws an exception.
You will need to restructure that test so that
webservice.withCredentials("sam", "password");
makes a request through $httpBackend