I use Cordova 5.0.0 and i have the following project structure:
- hooks
- platforms
- plugins
- resources
- www
- config.xml
My question now is: Which of these folders can I omit? I ask it because I work on three different platforms. I Develop on linux for android, windows for windows phone and on mac for ios. If I commit the whole project I always get warnings and error for the not supported platforms.
What I want is a minimalistic git repository.
One problem for example are the plugins. When I delete the plugin folder from the repository I have to add them on each of my developing platform manually.
Another problem is the resources folder. I automatically generate icons and splashscreens using ionic. When I now try to build the project on ios, it is complaining about the images for android.
So what do I need and what can I omit?
You can ignore the platforms and plugins directories as long as you haven't added any custom code in them.
When adding plugins and platforms add --save to the command. e.g.
cordova platform add ios@3.8.0 --save
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-device --save
This will save a record of the plugins and platforms you use to your config.xml file. When you run cordova prepare
or cordova build
all of your plugins and platforms listed in config.xml will be installed if they haven't been already.
You can also specify a platform in prepare and build. So if you are on your Mac, you can check out the git repository and run cordova prepare ios
to install just the ios platform and plugins.