My question is how can i test Richfaces FileUpload by HtmlUnit.
My html page code is like:
<div class="uploadFile">
Upload File:
<div id="allForm:upload" class="rf-fu ">
<div class="rf-fu-hdr">
<span class="rf-fu-btns-lft">
<span class="rf-fu-btn-add">
<span class="rf-fu-btn-cnt-add" style="background-position: 2px 2px; padding: 3px 5px 3px 21px;">
<span class="rf-fu-inp-cntr">
<input class="rf-fu-inp" type="file">
</span> Add...
<span class="rf-fu-btn-upl">
<span class="rf-fu-btns-rgh">
<div class="rf-fu-lst" style="height: 0px"></div>
<div class="rf-fu-cntr-hdn">
My java htmlunit test code is like:
@Test(dataProvider = "browsers")
public void testFileUpload(BrowserVersion browserVersion) throws IOException {
HtmlPage page = (HtmlPage) doLogin(browserVersion);
HtmlFileInput fileUpload = page.getElementByName("rf-fu-inp");
In this case, I get the following exception:
com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.ElementNotFoundException: elementName=[*] attributeName=[name] attributeValue=[rf-fu-inp]
My main problem is that I have not a id on the input element else I have the chance to make something like this.
HtmlFileInput fileUpload = (HtmlFileInput) page.getElementById("rf-fu-inp");
I found a solution:
HtmlFileInput htmlFileInput = null;
DomNodeList<DomElement> inputs = page.getElementsByTagName("input");
for (DomElement domElement : inputs) {
if (domElement.getAttribute("class").equals("rf-fu-inp") &&
domElement.getAttribute("type").equals("file")) {
htmlFileInput = (HtmlFileInput) domElement;
htmlFileInput.setValueAttribute(System.getProperty("basedir") + FILEPATHCURRENTXML);