We have an Eclipse RCP based GUI application based on Eclipse SDK 3.7.2 and compiled using Java 7. We are migrating the code base to Java8. We are also migrating Eclipse version to 4.4.2 (Luna SR2) as Eclipse supports Java8 starting 4.4.
I have downloaded eclipse-4.4.2-delta-pack.zip and eclipse-SDK-4.4.2-win32.zip and built language pack using BabelLanguagePack-eclipse-de_4.4.0.v20141223043836.zip as well as Babel packages available for other products, but am not able to find some jar files in the 4.4.2 packages that were present in 3.7.2 packages. I have listed them below:
Missing jar files in 4.4.2 SDK that were present in 3.7.2 SDK: org.eclipse.update.core*.jar org.eclipse.help.appserver_.jar org.eclipse.swt.gtk.hpux.ia64_32.jar
Missing jar files in 4.4.2 delta pack that were present in 3.7.2 delta pack: org.eclipse.swt.carbon.macosx*.jar
Missing jar files in 4.4.2 Luna language packs (Babel project version R0.12.1 for Luna) that were present in 3.7.2 delta pack org.eclipse.core.contenttype.nl_de*.jar org.eclipse.core.expressions.nl_de*.jar org.eclipse.core.jobs.nl_de*.jar org.eclipse.core.runtime.nl_de*.jar org.eclipse.equinox.app.nl_de*.jar org.eclipse.equinox.common.nl_de*.jar org.eclipse.equinox.preferences.nl_de*.jar org.eclipse.equinox.registry.nl_de*.jar
Few questions about the missing jar files:
There is huge differences between the internals of 3.7 and 4.4 with many changes to plugins - some new, some removed. What you have downloaded covers the whole of the core Eclipse.
is the old Eclipse update system which was replaced some time ago with the 'p2' install manager (lots of org.eclipse.equinox.p2.xxx
I think the help system was also reworked with org.eclipse.help.appserver
removed and some more org.eclipse.help.xxx
plugins added.
that is the old Mac 32 Carbon UI which is no longer supported. Replaced with org.eclipse.swt.cocoa.xxx
probably no longer supported.
I don't know about the language packs.