I have created a plugin for a new language and used DLTK for indexing and searching feature.
I am using Eclipse Luna (PDE 3.10.1) and DLTK (5.0)
My question is: How can I manually re-index a file and refresh the editor when I switch between tabs?
Because what happens now is if a file is reopened that time it gets re-indexed and error markers are updated, but while switching it doesn't update the error markers as dependent files are changed in other tabs.
I tried as below: It's indexing but not refreshing the editor.
I added a IPartListener2 and in partBroughtToTop() method i have following code for indexing and refreshing.
IModelElement model = EditorUtility.getEditorInputModelElement(partRef.getPage().getActiveEditor(), true);
if (model instanceof ISourceModule) {
ProblemCollector prob = new ProblemCollector();
// get cache entry
final ISourceModuleInfo cacheEntry = ModelManager.getModelManager().getSourceModuleInfoCache().get((ISourceModule)model);
ModuleDeclaration mod = (ModuleDeclaration)SourceParserUtil.parse((ISourceModule)model, prob);
SourceParserUtil.putModuleToCache(cacheEntry, mod, prob);
IEditorPart editor = partRef.getPage().getActiveEditor();
IEditorInput input = editor.getEditorInput();
try {
catch (CoreException e) {
Thanks in advance.
If I understand correctly, the issue is about re-validating files after changing dependencies. 1. It is not related to indexer (it just records that a file contains some elements) 2. It is not related to parser (which produces AST).
It should happen in a builder. You could try DLTK support for that by implementing IBuildParticipant or IScriptBuilder.