As I understand Microsoft's explanation setting the AggregateFunction of a measure to "None" should null out the value unless you are viewing the data at the lowest possible level. (i.e. the data element is a copy of the value in one exact cell in the cube).
I've created a fact table at the grain product id and sales date, and have set AggregateFunction property of a few measures (they are percentages of some sort) to "None", and I nulls at every level in the cube, even the product/sales date level (I am using Excel to connect to the cube and drilling through a pivot table).
I'm sure that there is something simple that I am missing, but I don't quite see what.
When Aggregate Function of a Measure is set to 'None', SSAS does not calculate the measure for the 'All' member in any dimension. Put in other words, we will have only leaf-level values for measures and that too only for dimensions that are directly linked to that fact.
You can find more elaborate explanation in this post.