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jquery jScrollPane too small viewport

I've some problem using a plugin of jQuery called jScrollPane. At the moment it has a weird behaviour. It just doesn't read the whole height of the contained table. The html stucture is the following:

<div id="container-of-the-table">

The javascript is the following:


function setupScrollPane(el, options) {
    var id = (el instanceof jQuery) ? el.attr("id") : el.substring(1);
    api = $(el).jScrollPane({
        horizontalGutter: 6,
        verticalGutter: 6,
        mouseWheelSpeed: 50
    scrollPaneApi[id] = api;

    if (undefined != options){
        if (undefined != options.scrollToX){
            api.scrollToX (options.scrollToX);
        if (undefined != options.scrollToY){
            api.scrollToY (options.scrollToY);

The css is the following:

table {
    display: block;
    height: 165px;
    width: 1080px;

The content of the table is more than 1000px but the shown content (with a minimal scrollbar in the right css for the plugin) is less than 200px.

The plugin seem to be working but its not cause it lets me scroll only a minimal part of the table.

I've found a forum post with a similar problem but i couldn't understand how it's solved.


  • Apparently to solve this issue, you have to modify the css of #container-of-the-table. This is the right code:

        max-height: 165px;
        height: auto;

    I am glad that my answer was helpful!