I am currently working on a grid that uses the RowEditing plugin, when I click the 'add' button linked to the grid a new empty record is added to the store to which the grid is bound to. When I add a new row, I can check for the the values the user is trying to add, if this 'user_id' value is empty or duplicate, I alert the user about his duplicate entry and wipe it from the store.
I have an edge case that I cant figure out- This edge case occurs when the user wants to update an existing row and change the 'user_id' to an existing one or an empty one. I don't want to wipe this record, I just want to assume the user made a mistake and not update this record, I want to undo his/her update it.
here is my store's update method:
update : function(com, record, successful, eOpts){
var store = Ext.data.StoreManager.lookup('EpaymentKioskOptStores');
var table_id = record.data.kiosk_user_id;
var _try = false;
var _wipe = false;
//if the record is empty handle it
if(table_id.trim() == null || table_id.trim() == undefined || table_id.trim() == ''){
//restore to original value, and cancel update
record.data.kiosk_user_id = record.modified.kiosk_user_id;
_try = true;
_wipe = true;
//if the record's kiosk_user_id is not empty
var temp = r.data.kiosk_user_id;
//the record we are trying to enter is a new record
//make sure the record is new and if we find another with the same key we can wipe record
if(!r.phantom && (temp == table_id)){
_wipe = true;
//somehow have to make sure the record and r arent the same
if((r.internalId != record.internalId) && (temp == table_id)){
record.data.kiosk_user_id = record.modified.kiosk_user_id;
_try = true;
Ext.Msg.alert('Warning', 'Your change was reverted');
Ext.Msg.alert('Alert', 'Your changes were discarded');
Edit: This is the fix I implemented to solve my problem, its a little bit hacky
Instead of the store's update method, you can add this validation in the grid's (Row Editor's) validateedit; See http://docs.sencha.com/extjs/5.1/5.1.0-apidocs/#!/api/Ext.grid.plugin.RowEditing-event-validateedit
listeners: {
validateedit: function(editor, context) {
var newId = context.newValues.userId;
if (!newId) {
editor.editor.getForm().findField('userId').markInvalid('User ID is required');
return false;
// Now iterate through the store and check all userIds against newId and return false
// if you see a duplicate