I have a form with input fields which will be triggered every 1 min to update the user entries to the server.
timer = setInterval(function() { save(); }, 60000);
function save() {
jQuery('form').each(function() {
url: "http://localhost:7002/submitStudent.do?requestType=auto&autosave=true",
data: $('#form').serialize(),
type: 'POST',
success: function(data){
if(data && data == 'success') {
alert("data saved");
And here is my form
<form name="listBean">
<c:forEach var="Item" items="${listBean.nameList}" varStatus="status">
<input type="number"name="nameList<c:outvalue='[${status.index}]'/>.initialWeight" onchange="checkOnChange(this,'<c:out value='${Item.personId}'/>','<c:out value='${Item.minWeight}'/>','<c:out value='${Item.maxWeight}'/>','<c:out value='[${status.index}]'/>')">
<input type="number" name="nameList<c:out value='[${status.index}]'/>.finalWeight" onchange="checkOnChange(this,'<c:out value='${Item.personId}'/>','<c:out value='${Item.minWeight}'/>','<c:out value='${Item.maxWeight}'/>','<c:out value='[${status.index}]'/>')">
<input type="text" class="formtext" name="nameList<c:out value='[${status.index}]'/>.Reason" id ="reason<c:out value='[${status.index}]'/>" value="" maxlength="255" >
<input type="submit" value="submit" id="submit" />
So the ajax calls to the server works fine for every 1 min .But the values entered are not available at the server side.
I am getting the value as listBean.Item.getInitialWeight().
what am i doing wrong ?
Any suggestions are welcome.Thanks for your time ..
data: $('#form').serialize(),
should become
data: $('form').serialize(),
You are referencing to the wrong DOM item