I am using angular schema forms
There is a addon for datepicker
But it does not support timepicker.
How can i add the timepicker or datetime pickers there
Date is working fine with this
scope.schema = {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"birthDate": {
"title": "Bday",
"type": "string",
"format": "date"
} }
If you wanted to, you could extend schema-forms. They provide pretty detailed documentation on how to do so.
You can try to use one that has already been built though. schema-form keeps a directory of 3rd party additions to schema-form here.
This date-time-picker is available.
"type": "string" and "format": "datetimepicker"
Options: { "key": "publish_at", "options": { "minDate": new Date(), "minuteStep": 15, "autoclose": 1 } },