I need to get some details about a VirtualMachine like the VM Name, the DNS Name, the Resourcepool and the Host via the vShpere API.
I found a way to search for the VM but I don't know how I can get this details.
Has anyone done this?
Thanke you
// you can find this code to get some ResourcePool infomation
ComputeResource cresource = (ComputeResource) host.getParent();
ResourcePool[] resourcepools = cresource.getResourcePool().getResourcePools();
// if you find a way to search one vm .so you can write below code.
ServiceInstance si = null;
si = new ServiceInstance(new URL(
"https://"+hostVal+"/sdk"), usernameVal,
passwordVal, true);
VirtualMachine vm = (VirtualMachine) new InventoryNavigator(
"VirtualMachine", VM_NAME);