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Average a range of values if the date associated with it falls within a date range

I'm trying to average a range of values if its associated date falls between two specified dates. The following function works:

AVERAGEIFS($1:$1,$2:$2,">=1/1/2014",$2:$2,"<=1/2/2014") this case the values that you want to average are in row 1 and the dates that are associated with it are in row 2.

However, in this case I'm explicitly stating the date range in my formula (">=1/1/2014" and "<=1/2/2014"). Is there any way to create a similar formula that allows me to reference date cells to determine my date range instead of having to explicitly state the dates in the formula itself???


  • you can use the following, by putting the start date and the end date in another cell and refer to them in your formula:


    with the following example:
    enter image description here