Updated: User count before and after signup still failing
Trying to test a new user signing up through the UI (see jQuery "signUp"). Users count from Method.call("usersCount") before and after signup both return 'undefined'.
I see 'undefined' -> user object -> 'undefined' in log. Not sure why user count is not getting assigned to the variable(s) in the spec code.
Second test checking the signup/logged-in users passes.
// New user signup
function signUp (user, callback) {
describe('User signup', function() {
var user = { username: 'larry', password: 'password' };
beforeEach(function(done) {
Meteor.call("clearDB", done);
it('should increase users by one', function (done) {
var userCountBefore = Meteor.call("usersCount");
var userCountAfter = signUp(user, Meteor.call("usersCount"));
expect(userCountBefore + 1).toEqual(userCountAfter);
it('should automatically log-in new user', function () {
/packages/test-helpers.js (custom debug testing package; clearDB method from [https://gist.github.com/qnub/97d828f11c677007cb07][1])
if ((typeof process !== 'undefined') && process.env.IS_MIRROR) {
usersCount: function () {
var count = Meteor.users.find({}).count();
return count;
clearDB: function(){
console.log('Clear DB');
var collectionsRemoved = 0;
var db = Meteor.users.find()._mongo.db;
db.collections(function (err, collections) {
// Filter out velocity and system.indexes from collections
var appCollections = _.reject(collections, function (col) {
return col.collectionName.indexOf('velocity') === 0 ||
col.collectionName === 'system.indexes';
// Remove each collection
_.each(appCollections, function (appCollection) {
appCollection.remove(function (e) {
if (e) {
console.error('Failed removing collection', e);
fut.return('fail: ' + e);
console.log('Removed collection');
if (appCollections.length === collectionsRemoved) {
console.log('Finished resetting database');
console.log('Finished clearing');
Ok, this is one way to solve this:
it('should increase users by one', function (done) {
Meteor.call("usersCount", function(error, userCountBefore) {
Meteor.call("usersCount", function (error, userCountAfter) {
expect(userCountAfter).toEqual(userCountBefore + 1);
Future viewers, checkout the following links for reference/alternate approaches: https://github.com/caolan/async https://atmospherejs.com/peerlibrary/async http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/es6/promises/
Thanks to @sanjo for helping me see the light!