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Show FloorPlan and get Location with IndoorAtlas

Is there any resource on how to use the IndoorAtlas SDK?

I'm getting confused about how to show the floorPlan and getting current location.

Please kindly help me.


  • Here's very roughly how:

    1) Initialize IndoorAtlas instance:

    IndoorAtlas ia = IndoorAtlasFactory.createIndoorAtlas(context, listener, apiKey, apiSecret);

    2) Obtain instance of FloorPlan:

    FutureResult<FloorPlan> result = ia.fetchFloorPlan(floorPlanId);
    result.setCallback(new ResultCallback<FloorPlan>() {
                public void onResult(final FloorPlan result) {
                    mFloorPlan = result;
                // handle error conditions too

    3) Obtain actual image:

    void loadFloorPlanImage(FloorPlan floorPlan) {
      BitmapFactory.Options options = createBitmapOptions(floorPlan);
      FutureResult<Bitmap> result = ia.fetchFloorPlanImage(floorPlan, options);
      result.setCallback(new ResultCallback<Bitmap>() {
                public void onResult(final Bitmap result) {
                   // now you have floor plan bitmap, do something with it
                // handle error conditions too

    4) Start positioning:

    ia.startPositioning(venueId, floorId, floorPlanId);

    5) Show positions on floor plan:

    public void onServiceUpdate(ServiceState state) {
       // get position on original floor plan image
       int i = state.getImagePoint().getI();
       int j = state.getImagePoint().getJ();
       // take into account how your floor plan image has been scaled
       // and draw position
       PointF scaledPoint = new PointF();
       Util.calculateScaledPoint((int) floorPlan.dimensions[0], (int) floorPlan.dimensions[1], i, j, mImageView, scaledPoint);
       drawNewPositionInUiThread(scaledPoint.x, scaledPoint.y);

    Of course you can start positioning first and then obtain image. You could also cache image locally but like said, this was roughly how.

    public class Utils {
         * Calculates scaling factor for an image with original dimensions of
         * {@code originalWidth x originalHeight} being displayed with {@code imageView}.
         * The assumption with this example code is that a) layout has been already performed for
         * {@code imageView} and that {@link android.widget.ImageView.ScaleType#CENTER_INSIDE} is used.
         * @param originalWidth  height of the original bitmap to be displayed using {@code imageView}
         * @param originalHeight width of the original bitmap to be displayed using {@code imageView}
        public static float calculateScaleFactor(int originalWidth, int originalHeight,
                                                 ImageView imageView) {
            if (imageView.getScaleType() != ImageView.ScaleType.CENTER_INSIDE) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("only scale type of CENTER_INSIDE supported, was: "
                        + imageView.getScaleType());
            final int availableX = imageView.getWidth()
                    - (imageView.getPaddingLeft() + imageView.getPaddingRight());
            final int availableY = imageView.getHeight()
                    - (imageView.getPaddingTop() + imageView.getPaddingBottom());
            if (originalWidth > availableX || originalHeight > availableY) {
                // original image would not fit without scaling
                return originalWidth > availableX
                        ? availableX / (float) originalWidth
                        : availableY / (float) originalHeight;
            } else {
                return 1f; // no scaling required
         * Calculates point where to draw coordinates {@code x} and {@code y} in a bitmap that's
         * original dimensions were {@code originalWidth x originalHeight} and may now be scaled down
         * as it's been displayed with {@code imageView}.
         * @param originalWidth  width of the original bitmap before any scaling
         * @param originalHeight height of the original bitmap before any scaling
         * @param x              x-coordinate on original bitmap
         * @param y              y-coordinate on original bitmap
         * @param imageView      view that will be used to display bitmap
         * @param point          point where result value is to be stored
         * @see #calculateScaleFactor(int, int, ImageView)
        public static void calculateScaledPoint(int originalWidth, int originalHeight,
                                                int x, int y,
                                                ImageView imageView,
                                                PointF point) {
            final float scale = calculateScaleFactor(originalWidth, originalHeight, imageView);
            final float scaledWidth = originalWidth * scale;
            final float scaledHeight = originalHeight * scale;
            // when image inside view is smaller than the view itself and image is centered (assumption)
            // there will be some empty space around the image (here offset)
            final float offsetX = Math.max(0, (imageView.getWidth() - scaledWidth) / 2);
            final float offsetY = Math.max(0, (imageView.getHeight() - scaledHeight) / 2);
            point.x = offsetX + (x * scale);
            point.y = offsetY + (y * scale);