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Not declared variable in default-constructed object in constructor

The above code doesn't work. Indeed the default constructed object f in the constructor of Foo complains that the value val is not declared in the scope. I don't understand why it is not declared.

struct Foo2
  Foo2(int val)

struct Foo
  Foo(int val, Foo2 f = Foo2(val))

int main()
  Foo f(1);
  return 0;


  • According to the C++ Standard (8.3.6 Default arguments):

    9 Default arguments are evaluated each time the function is called. The order of evaluation of function arguments is unspecified. Consequently, parameters of a function shall not be used in a default argument, even if they are not evaluated. Parameters of a function declared before a default argument are in scope and can hide namespace and class member names.

    In any C++ (not only C++ 2014) you can overload the constructor. For example

    struct Foo
      Foo(int val )
      { Foo2 f(val); /*...*/ }
      Foo(int val, Foo2 f )

    Or you can use a delegating constructor (if your compiler supports the new Standard)

    struct Foo
      Foo(int val ) : Foo( val, Foo2( val ) )
      Foo(int val, Foo2 f )