Using Java Annotation Processors I have the following type:
public interface MyProxy extends Proxy<StartPagePresenter> {
public interface Proxy<T> { }
I have the TypeElement
of Proxy
TypeElement pProxyTypeElement = // ...
Now I want to get the TypeElement of the Type Parameter <StartPagePresenter>
I tried:
List<? extends TypeParameterElement> proxyTypeParamElems =
TypeParameterElement firstParameter = proxyTypeParamElems.get(0);
When I print firstParameter.getSimpleName()
I get T
instead of StartPagePresenter
How do I get the real TypeElement
StartPagePresenter from the TypeParameter?
To access the generic paramters, you'll need the TypeMirror
cast to a DeclaredType
. DeclaredType
has a method getTypeArguments()
which returns a list of TypeMirror
which represent the concrete declared generic parameters:
Following your example:
Set<? extends Element> proxyElements = roundEnvironment.getElementsAnnotatedWith(NameToken.class);
for(Element element : proxyElements){
TypeElement typeElement = (TypeElement)element;
DeclaredType declaredType = (DeclaredType)typeElement.getInterfaces().get(0); //assuming there is an interface
for(TypeMirror genericParameter : declaredType.getTypeArguments()){
messager.printMessage(Diagnostic.Kind.NOTE, genericParameter.toString());
Should print StartPagePresenter
I prefer using the various visitors supplied with the API to smooth out this casting.