I have build a parcel and a csd that go together and work fine when deploying to a cluster.
However, when I stop the service a child process started by a startup script keeps on running in the background.
I have tried many things but I went back to something more "brutal".
CSD extract
"startRunner" : {
"program" : "scripts/rexster.sh",
"args" : [ "start" ],
"environmentVariables" : {
"CONF_FILE" : "${conf_file}",
"REXSTER_PORT" : "${rexster_port}",
"HBASE_ZK" : "${hbase_zk_quorum}",
"REXSTER_SHUTDOWN_PORT" : "${rexster_shutdown_port}",
"HBASE_TABLE_NAME" : "${hbase_tablename}",
"MEM_XMX" : "${memory_xmx}",
"MEM_XMS" : "${memory_xms}"
"stopRunner" : {
"relevantRoleTypes" : ["TITAN_REXTER_SERVER"],
"runner" : {
"program" : "scripts/rexster.sh",
"args" : [ "stop" ]
scripts/rexster.sh extract
echo "Stopping rexster"
exec kill -9 `ps aux | grep java | grep titan | awk '{print $2}'`
# exec stopRexster.sh $TITAN_HOME
echo "Don't understand [$CMD]"
But the process keeps on running in the background:
usr/java/jdk1.7.0_67-cloudera/bin/java -server -Xms128m -Xmx512m -Dtitan.logdir=../log com.tinkerpop.rexster.Application -s -c /opt/cloudera/parcels/TITAN-1.0/lib/titan-0.5.2-hadoop2-CDH5.3/conf/rexster-hbase.xml
The stoprunner wasn't placed correctly. It is defined per role, after the role definition.
"stopRunner" : {
"relevantRoleTypes" : ["TITAN_REXTER_SERVER"],
"runner" : {
"program" : "scripts/rexster.sh",
"args" : [ "stop" ],
"environmentVariables" : {
"CONF_FILE" : "${conf_file}",
"REXSTER_PORT" : "${rexster_port}",
"HBASE_ZK" : "${hbase_zk_quorum}",
"REXSTER_SHUTDOWN_PORT" : "${rexster_shutdown_port}",
"HBASE_TABLE_NAME" : "${hbase_tablename}"