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spray akka deployment on webserver

I have an application built on spray + akka. using this guide:

It explains this example:

The application is working just fine. But when trying to deploy on a webServer I didn't find a way to do that.

I've tried to use xsbt-web-plugin to deploy on Tomcat, got the following input:


[info] starting server ... Adding Context for target/webapp ...

Starting service Tomcat Starting Servlet Engine:

Apache Tomcat/7.0.34 org.apache.catalina.startup.ContextConfig

getDefaultWebXmlFragment INFO: No global web.xml found

org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol start INFO: Starting

ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-8080"]

But Tomcat is returning 404 for all the requests.

Does someone know how can I deploy a spray akka application on Tomcat?


  • Solved the problem.

    This is what you need to make xsbt-plugin work with the spray application:

    1. Set the root-path in application.conf

    As @jrudolph pointed: spray servlet doesn't know to figure it out automaticly on tomcat:

    spray.servlet {
       boot-class = "com.sysgears.example.boot.Boot"
       root-path = "/rest"
       request-timeout = 10s
    1. Change class boot to extend webBoot:


    class Boot extends WebBoot {
      // create an actor system for application
      val system = ActorSystem("rest-service-example")
      // create and start rest service actor
      val serviceActor = system.actorOf(Props[RestServiceActor], "rest-endpoint")
    1. add the web.xml as explained on xsbt-web-plugin:



    For the full change see the comparison on github (The example writer has generously generate this branch for tomcat users)