I am trying to classify an instance using the classifyInstance method (described in weka's documentation here) using the Matlab environment.
This method require the instance to be link to a dataset. I am trying to use this constructor to create an empty dataset with the following matlab code:
import java.util.ArrayList.*;
import weka.core.*;
import weka.core.Instances.*;
attInfo = java.util.ArrayList;
dataset= weka.core.Instances(java.lang.String('relation'), attInfo, 2);
When I try to run this code matlab return me the following error:
No constructor 'weka.core.Instances' with matching signature found.
Error in file_name (line 109) dataset = weka.core.Instances(java.lang.String('relation'), attInfo, 5);
What is wrong with the parameters of my constructor?
I end up finding the solution of the problem. The constructor accept a signature which use the deprecated class FastVector. I just added a snapshot of my code in case it might help someone.
attInfo = FastVector();
% build the class attribute
classValues = FastVector();
attInfo.addElement(Attribute('Class', classValues));
% create the dataset and define the class attribute
dataset = Instances('relation', attInfo, 1);
dataset.setClassIndex(dataset.numAttributes() -1);
% build the instance
Inst = weka.core.Instance(10);
for ii = 1:D.numAttributes()
Inst.setValue(D.attribute(ii-1), 1)
% classify the instance
The use of java object such as java.lang.String()
also lead to an error.
I am still curious about why this is happening, but I suspect that might be because of the version of weka that I am using (3.6.11) where the documentation might be for the version 3.7.12 .