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Need help Implementing maze into 2d array c++

So Im creating a treasure hunting game where the user moves through a maze with hidden health and traps. The goal is to find the treasure without dying. However, I need to create a map and I have a map I generated. I was wondering if there was a way I could just copy and paste my text based maze into the array without putting it in the main function and instead the drawMap function instead of filling each cell. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

// Header Files
#include <cstdlib>
#include <curses.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>

using namespace std; 

HANDLE console = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); // For use of SetConsoleTextAttribute()

// Function Prototypes

void titleScreen(); // Prints Title and instructions

void mapCreation( char arr[][12], int level);

void drawMap(char arr[][12]);

bool update(char arr[][12], int &level, int &lives, int &score);

// Main Program
int main ()
    // initialize variables
    int option;
    char baseMap[12][12];
    int level = 1;
    int lives = 3;
    int score = 0;
    bool gameOver = false;
    bool levelCompleted = false;

    SetConsoleTextAttribute(console, 240); // change background to white

    system("CLS");// clears screen in order to remove black background

    titleScreen(); // Display Title

    do // do-while loop starts

    cin >> option; // take in input

        if(option == 1) // temporary option to check for next screen
            //Display Maze

            system("CLS");// clears screen in order to remove black background
            while(gameOver == false)
                 mapCreation( baseMap, level );
                 while(gameOver == false || levelCompleted == false )
                       update(baseMap, level, lives, score);
    while( option !=1); // condition of do-while loop

    system("pause"); // Pause for user, only temporary

    return 0;


void titleScreen(){
    cout << " Welcome to Treasure Hunter!\n\n";
    cout << "In order to beat this game you must find the treasure\n";
    cout << " that is located in the maze. You can move using the \n";
    cout << " arrow keys or WASD.\n\n";
    cout << " Warning! There are traps that will take life away as\n";
    cout << " well as add life! However, they are hidden so be careful!\n ";
    cout << " Goodluck and have fun!\n\n\n\n";


void mapCreation( char arr[][12], int level )
      int traps = 0;   
      int lives = 0;
      int treasure = 0;
      int x;
      int y;
        for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
             for(int j = 0; j < 12; j++)
                 arr[i][j] = 0;

        arr[1][1] = '1';
        switch (level)
        case 1:
        arr[0][1] = '|';
        arr[1][1] = '|';
        arr[2][1] = '|';
        arr[2][2] = '|';
        arr[2][3] = '|';
        arr[2][4] = '|';
        arr[0][6] = '|';
        arr[1][6] = '|';
        arr[1][8] = '|';
        arr[2][6] = '|';
        arr[2][8] = '|';
        arr[3][4] = '|';
        arr[3][6] = '|';
        arr[3][7] = '|';
        arr[3][8] = '|';
        arr[4][4] = '|';
        arr[4][6] = '|';
        arr[5][1] = '|';
        arr[6][1] = '|';
        arr[6][3] = '|';
        arr[6][4] = '|';
        arr[6][5] = '|';
        arr[6][6] = '|';
        arr[6][7] = '|';
        arr[7][1] = '|';
        arr[7][6] = '|';
        arr[8][1] = '|';
        arr[8][6] = '|';
        arr[8][8] = '|';
        arr[9][1] = '|';
        arr[9][6] = '|';
        arr[9][8] = '|';
        while(treasure < 1)
              x = (rand() % 10);
              y = (rand() % 10);
             if(arr[x][y] == '0')
                arr[x][y] = 2;
        while(traps < 2)
             x = (rand() % 10);
             y = (rand() % 10);
             if(arr[x][y] == '0')
                 arr[x][y] = 3;
        while(lives < 1)
             x = (rand() % 10);
             y = (rand() % 10);
             if(arr[x][y] = '0')
                 arr[x][y] = 4;

        case 2: // Level 2 Map

        arr[0][9] = '\n';
        arr[1][0] = '|';
        arr[1][1] = '|';
        arr[1][2] = '|';
        arr[1][4] = '|';
      //  arr[1][0] = '\n';
        arr[2][2] = '|';
        arr[2][4] = '|';
        arr[2][5] = '|';
        arr[2][6] = '|';
        arr[2][7] = '|';
        arr[2][8] = '|';
      //  arr[2][9] = '\n';
        arr[3][2] = '|';
        arr[3][4] = '|';
        arr[3][7] = '|';
      //  arr[3][9] = '\n';
        arr[4][7] = '|';
        arr[4][9] = '\n';
        arr[5][2] = '|';
        arr[5][4] = '|';
        arr[5][7] = '|';
      //  arr[5][9] = '\n';
        arr[6][0] = '|';
        arr[6][1] = '|';
        arr[6][2] = '|';
        arr[6][4] = '|';
        arr[6][6] = '|';
        arr[6][7] = '|';
        arr[6][8] = '|';
      //  arr[6][9] = '\n';
        arr[7][3] = '|';
        arr[7][5] = '|';
        arr[7][9] = '\n';
        arr[8][4] = '|';
        arr[9][4] = '|';
     //   arr[9][9] = '\n';
        arr[0][11] = '|';
        arr[1][11] = '|';
        arr[2][11] = '|';
        arr[3][11] = '|';
        arr[4][11] = '|';
        arr[5][11] = '|';
        arr[6][11] = '|';
        arr[7][11] = '|';
        arr[8][11] = '|';
        arr[9][11] = '|';
        arr[10][11] = '|';
      //  arr[11][11] = '\n';
        arr[10][0] = '|';
        arr[10][1] = '|';
        arr[10][2] = '|';
        arr[10][3] = '|';
        arr[10][4] = '|';
        arr[10][5] = '|';
        arr[10][6] = '|';
        arr[10][7] = '|';
        arr[10][8] = '|';
        arr[10][9] = '|';
        arr[10][11] = '|';
        while(treasure < 1)
              x = (rand() % 10);
              y = (rand() % 10);
             if(arr[x][y] == '0')
                arr[x][y] = 2;
        while(traps < 4)
             x = (rand() % 10);
             y = (rand() % 10);
             if(arr[x][y] == '0')
                 arr[x][y] = 3;
        while(lives < 2)
             x = (rand() % 10);
             y = (rand() % 10);
             if(arr[x][y] = '0')
                 arr[x][y] = 4;

        case 3: // Level 3 Map

        arr[1][4] = '|';
        arr[1][6] = '|';
        arr[1][7] = '|';
        arr[1][8] = '|';
        arr[1][9] = '|';
        arr[2][2] = '|';
        arr[2][4] = '|';
        arr[3][0] = '|';
        arr[3][1] = '|';
        arr[3][2] = '|';
        arr[3][3] = '|';
        arr[3][4] = '|';
        arr[3][6] = '|';
        arr[4][6] = '|';
        arr[5][3] = '|';
        arr[5][2] = '|';
        arr[5][6] = '|';
        arr[5][7] = '|';
        arr[5][8] = '|';
        arr[5][9] = '|';
        arr[6][0] = '|';
        arr[6][1] = '|';
        arr[6][2] = '|';
        arr[6][6] = '|';
        arr[7][4] = '|';
        arr[7][5] = '|';
        arr[7][6] = '|';
        while(treasure < 1)
              x = (rand() % 10);
              y = (rand() % 10);
             if(arr[x][y] == '0')
                arr[x][y] = 2;
        while(traps < 6)
             x = (rand() % 10);
             y = (rand() % 10);
             if(arr[x][y] == '0')
                 arr[x][y] = 3;
        while(lives < 3)
             x = (rand() % 10);
             y = (rand() % 10);
             if(arr[x][y] = '0')
                 arr[x][y] = 4;

        case 4:
        arr[3][2] = '|';
        arr[3][3] = '|';
        arr[3][4] = '|';
        arr[3][5] = '|';
        arr[3][6] = '|';
        arr[3][7] = '|';
        arr[4][3] = '|';
        arr[5][3] = '|';
        arr[5][5] = '|';
        arr[5][6] = '|';
        arr[5][7] = '|';
        arr[5][8] = '|';
        arr[6][3] = '|';
        arr[6][5] = '|';
        arr[6][8] = '|';
        arr[7][3] = '|';
        arr[7][5] = '|';
        arr[7][8] = '|';
        arr[8][3] = '|';
        arr[8][5] = '|';
        arr[8][8] = '|';
        arr[9][3] = '|';
        while(treasure < 1)
              x = (rand() % 10);
              y = (rand() % 10);
             if(arr[x][y] == '0')
                arr[x][y] = 2;
        while(traps < 8)
             x = (rand() % 10);
             y = (rand() % 10);
             if(arr[x][y] == '0')
                 arr[x][y] = 3;
        while(lives < 4)
             x = (rand() % 10);
             y = (rand() % 10);
             if(arr[x][y] = '0')
                 arr[x][y] = 4;

        case 5:
        arr[0][1] = '|';
        arr[1][1] = '|';
        arr[1][6] = '|';
        arr[2][3] = '|';
        arr[2][4] = '|';
        arr[2][5] = '|';
        arr[2][6] = '|';
        arr[3][1] = '|';
        arr[3][6] = '|';
        arr[4][1] = '|';
        arr[4][2] = '|';
        arr[4][3] = '|';
        arr[4][4] = '|';
        arr[4][5] = '|';
        arr[4][6] = '|';
        arr[4][7] = '|';
        arr[4][8] = '|';
        arr[4][9] = '|';
        arr[5][1] = '|';
        arr[7][2] = '|';
        arr[7][3] = '|';
        arr[7][4] = '|';
        arr[7][5] = '|';
        arr[7][6] = '|';
        arr[7][7] = '|';
        arr[7][8] = '|';
        arr[8][3] = '|';
        arr[8][6] = '|';
        arr[9][6] = '|';
        while(treasure < 1)
              x = (rand() % 10);
              y = (rand() % 10);
             if(arr[x][y] == '0')
                arr[x][y] = 2;
        while(traps < 10)
             x = (rand() % 10);
             y = (rand() % 10);
             if(arr[x][y] == '0')
                 arr[x][y] = 3;
        while(lives < 5)
             x = (rand() % 10);
             y = (rand() % 10);
             if(arr[x][y] = '0')
                 arr[x][y] = 4;

void drawMap(char arr[][12])
     for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
         for(int j = 0; j < 12; j++ )
             if(arr[i][j] != 3 && arr[i][j] != 4)
                cout << arr[i][j];

bool update(char arr[][12], int &level, int &lives, int &score)
     bool levelCompleted = false;
     bool gameOver = false;

     return 0; // temporary holder


  • You could define your mazes as 2D array of strings, stored as a global variable something like this:

    #define LEVEL_COUNT (2)
    const char* maps[LEVEL_COUNT][12] = 
            "|       |  |",
            "|       |  |",
            "|    ||||  |",
            "|          |",
            "|          |",
            "||||||     |",
            "| |        |",
            "| |    |   |",
            "|      |   |",
            "|      |   |",
            "|       |  |",
            "|   |||||  |",
            "|       |  |",
            "|          |",
            "|       ||||",
            "|          |",
            "|   |      |",
            "|   |      |",
            "|||||||    |",
            "|          |",

    Then you can load them into your char array, setting spaces to zero:

    void loadMap( char arr[][12], int level)
         if((level < 0) || (level >= LEVEL_COUNT))
         for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
             const char* row = maps[level][i];
             for(int j = 0; j < 12; j++)
                 if(row[j] == 0)
                     break; // end of string
                 if(row[j] == ' ')
                     arr[i][j] = 0;  // set spaces to zero
                     arr[i][j] = row[j];

    Call loadMap from your mapCreation function after initializing to all zeros (in case any of the strings in the map array are less than 12 chars long and a terminating null is encountered), then apply your randomized traps and treasure placements.


    void mapCreation( char arr[][12], int level )
      int traps = 0;   
      int lives = 0;
      int treasure = 0;
      int x;
      int y;
      for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
          for(int j = 0; j < 12; j++)
              arr[i][j] = 0;
      // load the map:
      loadMap(arr, level);
      arr[1][1] = '1';
      switch (level)
        case 1:
        while(treasure < 1)
             x = (rand() % 10);
             y = (rand() % 10);
             if(arr[x][y] == '0')
                arr[x][y] = 2;
         // etc...